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Shachar Hochman

שחר הוכמן

PhD candidate                                                                                                                                                             Email:






Shachar Hochman is a PhD candidate since Fall 2017 under co-supervision of Prof. Avishai Henik from Ben Gurion University of the Negev, and Dr. Eyal Kalanthroff at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In his M.A thesis, he studied embodied enumeration patterns among the deaf via tactile and visual modalities. In his Ph.D, he is studying inhibitory control mechanisms in special groups using environmental cues. During his studies, he is always fascinated by new statistical methods and analyzing approaches. His magnum opus will be discovering who invented the sparkling water.


Hochman, S., Henik, A., & Kalanthroff, E. (2018). Stopping at a red light: Recruitment of inhibitory control by environmental cues. PloS one, 13(5), e0196199.


The Clinical Neuropsychology Laboratory

Department of Psychology

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, ISRAEL


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